You open up social media and are immediately faced with people on their high horse telling you to be vegan; to only use natural skin care; or to only use biodegradable recyclable products. These people share content that makes us feel unworthy if we’re not following their rules.
I get it. I used to be that person who looked down on others when they weren’t living the life that I thought was right.

I spent 10 years with an eating disorder although I didn’t know it was needing disorder until the end. I used to think that barely eating and exercising hard, 7 days a week made me superior. I used to think my commitment was admirable and anyone who didn’t exercise or didn’t eat a rigid and restrictive diet was failing.
I felt this way because I was insecure. I was so scared that I wasn’t good enough that I convince myself there was only one right way of being. I convinced myself that I had to be right, which meant everyone else must be wrong.
Deep down I think I knew what I was doing wasn’t healthy and wasn’t safe. Deep down I was crying out for help.
Now when I see these people posting about their perfect lives with their perfect skincare, perfect diet, perfect gym routine, I see it with empathy and not envy. I don’t envy the people who share their life as if it’s the only way of living because I know how that feels. I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t healthy and I definitely wasn’t perfect.
I’m not judging anyone who decides to share their life in this way but what we all need to know as consumers is nobody as perfect. There is no one right way of being and everyone has their own definition of healthy, happy and safe.